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Automating personal and business workflows

1 minute read

In an average month, there is a lot of stuff you will have to do. Stuff like paying the bills, taking care of inventory for home/company, budgeting, and your...

Don’t obsess with analytics too much

1 minute read

If you are only an occasional writer, as I surely am, you don’t have to look at the analytics screen all the time. It’s a really nice thing to look at the re...

Entrepreneurs are made and not born

1 minute read

I was working with my dad in the orchard last Saturday, and after a while we sat down, had a beer and a great discussion. It’s the discussion that pushed me ...

So what if you fail

1 minute read

When you start doing something, especially if that something is brand new to you, there is always a dark cloud of failing hovering over you. The probability ...

Just Fucking Ship

1 minute read

Two months ago I found out that Nathan Barry has a 24 hour product contest, in which he aimed to produce a real product, in the form of an email course, in 2...

Specialist or Generalist

2 minute read

While reading a lot of stuff about freelancing, consulting and business in general, I stumble upon a lot of suggestions and advices to niche down, become a s...

Review: The Design of Everyday Things

3 minute read

I’ve recently read a great book, recommended by Merlin Rebrovic in one of his blog posts. I’ve always seen design as something abstract, something you need t...

Why I write

1 minute read

I never wondered about this topic, but going through some old newsletters I signed up for and never followed through, I found a really great email course on ...

ember-cli 101 Book Review

2 minute read

Ever since I first heard of Ember.js (even before the 1.0 days), I’ve been wanting to learn it. But the learning curve of the framework always veered me off ...

Yearly review 2014

3 minute read

It’s the beginning of a new year and the best time to look back on the one behind us. As writing reviews of the past times is generally a good thing, because...

Learning Ruby and Rails in 2014

5 minute read

In the last few weeks, I have been approached by a couple of people who are interested in learning Ruby and/or Ruby on Rails. And for their sake, and for my ...

I attended my first Coderetreat

2 minute read

As the title says, I attended my first (and definitely not last) Coderetreat. And we also made history, because it was the first one in Croatia. It was organ...