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Mitigating infrastructure risk

5 minute read

When you are building a product on the internet, you should aim to get it out as soon as humanly possible. Things you don’t want to care that moment include ...

I got hit by a car

3 minute read

Exactly two months ago I was out on my very usual bike route and I heard the radar warning me that a car was behind me, then I heard the car braking hard and...

Zero downtime redis migration (or upgrade)

2 minute read

I wrote about migrating the Redis database from AWS ElastiCache to another provider a few years ago . In my case it was Azure, but it doesn’t matter. I used ...

The bus factor

4 minute read

When building any product or business, you want to make it as resilient as possible. You should do that from the very beginning, but sometimes this is hard, ...

How to 10X your PR review quality

1 minute read

During my career in software development, proper communication (or lack of it) has been crucial in instigating some creative discussions and/or flame wars du...

Rescue exception in Ruby and continue

1 minute read

Usually when we run scheduled jobs we like to bunch a few things together for convenience. Let’s say that you have hourly, daily, weekly, monthly task list t...

(Relational) Databases are awesome

4 minute read

When I say databases, I think about relational database systems. It doesn’t matter which flavour of relational database you choose. They are all fine and str...

The joy of missing out

2 minute read

I was listening to a podcast with Jason Fried the other day and heard this term: “The Joy of Missing Out” or JOMO. It took me a couple of days to process wha...

Migrating Route53 DNS records to Azure

2 minute read

Recently I’ve been notified that we need to move our operations away from AWS to Azure. One of the steps I found interesting (and never did before) was migra...

The subtle art of debugging weird issues

3 minute read

As a senior reliability engineer I’m tasked with solving weird issues on a weekly basis. Issues you could sometimes classify as heisenbugs, at other times th...