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Why kubernetes?

4 minute read

I’ve been installing servers, deploying code to them, and exposing them to customers for most of my career. I started doing it by myself in the start. Those ...

What is a reliable system?

3 minute read

I plan to (let’s see how it pans out) write a series of articles on what I learned (and am still learning) during my stay at intuo. There is so much stuff I ...

Can we just get along?

2 minute read

I don’t know much about corporate culture in the past, but from what I saw, inter-departmental wars were business as usual. Marketing coming up with their id...


less than 1 minute read

When was the last time you’ve stopped and took a break? Not a weekend or 3-4 days, but a proper vacation. Something that lasts at least a week or two., a mon...

A good setup goes a long way

3 minute read

I’ve been limited to a 13” screen to do my work on for ages and ages, well since July 2013 at least. The only person who did the limiting was myself. One of ...

Your users are out to get you

4 minute read

How many times did you create a UI with a specific user flow in mind, and most of the time your users did something else? Did you ever experience users ignor...

Doing new things is hard, choose your hard

3 minute read

In my last post I touched on the topic of quitting, and how easy it is to take the easy path instead of the hard one and quit. Most of us quit all the time, ...

It’s really easy to quit

4 minute read

I remember when I was in my late teens, although I rode on the bicycle around a lot, I never did anything longer than a few kilometres in one go. I had an ol...

Don’t (only) focus on the code

4 minute read

Every developer aspires to create great things, but often the most important issue is not just the quality of your code, but many other and obscure things th...

The LinkedIn experiment

1 minute read

If you are an engineer you probably don’t see much use from LinkedIn as a service. It is full of recruiters, who can be very annoying from time to time. You ...

Understanding the Ember run loop

2 minute read

All of the Ember.js internal code, and most of the stuff you write while creating an Ember.js app runs with the help of the run loop. It is used to batch, or...

Domain switch

2 minute read

If you are a somewhat regular reader, you have probably noticed that I’ve changed the domain name from to Maybe you didn’t not...

On continuous improvement

3 minute read

It is really hard starting something new. Just consider the first time you sat down at the computer to write a “Hello World!” program. Following the tutorial...

Dynamic components in Ember.js

2 minute read

When building Ember.js apps you will try to avoid code duplication as much as possible. One of the ways of doing that is using Ember components. Components a...

Simple inheritance with Ember.js

2 minute read

When doing Object-oriented programming, we are always seeking ways to reduce the duplication in the code we write. Reusing existing code is something that ev...