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Weekly review: Week ending November 09, 2014

2 minute read

It’s been a couple of weeks without a (public) weekly review. And the main reason for that is, I’ve had almost nothing to report for them. Family, school, co...

Dealing with procrastination

2 minute read

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to do anything but the thing you are supposed to do? Maybe there is a task of life importance, and you just ...

Weekly review: Week ending October 19, 2014

less than 1 minute read

I didn’t do much beside regular work this week. I underestimated the size of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, so I’m still reading it, and it’s great. I ...

Minimum viable feature

2 minute read

We have all heard about the Minimum viable product, and it is a great thing to strive for, if you are doing software development (or design). What in hell ar...

Weekly review: Week ending October 12, 2014

2 minute read

I’m trying to do my best in organizing myself, hence these weekly reviews I’m planning to do more often, hopefully on a weekly basis. The posts probably won’...

Getting through the famine period

4 minute read

If you are a full time freelancer, you have, or surely will encounter a famine period, because only thing sure in freelancing is uncertainty. Of course, with...

Impostor Syndrome

2 minute read

Are you feeling like an impostor in your team? Are you achieving things other members of your team appraise you for, but you live in fear, day in and day out...